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Hi! My name is Vitaly (Vit) Pozharov.

Here I placed some my programs, ActiveX controls, useful VB codes. All executables/ActiveXs were compiled with VB6. To run them you need VB6 runtime files. You can download them from Microsoft. Some times programs/controls require additional files or controls. In this case all additional files will be included.

Before using ActiveX controls, register them. How? To simplify this process you can use my program "VP Register It!" (see below).

NOTE: Presented here programs, controls and codes are free for non-commercial use. All files are provided 'as is'. The author is not responsible neither for possible errors related to the operation of these software products nor for the consequences of such errors. The author rights to this software product are the property of Vitaly Pozharov.

Name Date



Add. Files Size
VPTuner 02/04/02 Program to move forms with user control(s) to another VB project. VB hardcodes a project name in user control names. Therefore if you try to use such form in another project, you'll got a form with a picture boxes instead user controls and  loading errors. The program helps to solve this problem in seconds. If you using user controls in your projects (which I highly recommend to do!) this program saves a lot of time to tune forms to another projects. Exe VB6RunTime 280 kb
VPDilutions 01/31/02 A silmple program to calculate volume of a stock solution and a solute to obtain desired concentration. Exe VB6RunTime 120 kb
VPCalc 01/31/02 A calculator which calculates functions (one argument) within the selected limits with the selected increment and shows the function graphically. To install, unzip the file in temporary directory and run Setup.

Complete setup.

None 1.8 Mb
VPMem 01/17/02 Simple memory monitor. Periodically checks the memory and displays Total Memory, Available Memory and % of used memory. Has some options. Exe VB6RunTime 136 kb
VPTest 01/15/02 Demo shows my controls in action. Exe VB6RunTime 308 kb
VP Register It! 01/11/02 Simple program to register DLL or ActiveX. Allows you to select and register controls/DLLs. Exe VB6RunTime 144 kb
VPButton.ocx VPButton.cab 01/11/02 01/16/02 eek.gif (1264 bytes)Must Have! Animated 3D flat button. Might be used instead of VB Command button or in toolbars. ActiveX VB6RunTime 104 kb 33 kb
VPIcons 01/14/02 Archive of icons for VPButton zip - 119 kb


Form positioning control. When form is closed, this control saves it size and position. Next time the form opens, control positions it and resizes according to the saved values. Another properties include restriction in minimal width and height of the form; center form. If the last property is true, then form will be centered on screen. ActiveX VB6RunTime 32 kb


Analog to VB PictureBox control. It has scrollbars and some useful methods to get info about colors, invert colors, adjust r, g ,b colors separately. I plan to add more methods to speed up image processing when I have time. ActiveX VB6RunTime 92 kb
VPPrint 01/14/02 Simple print control. Allows to set margins (approximately) and print a text with wrapping. ActiveX VB6RunTime 48 kb
VPComDlg 01/14/02 ActiveX which replaces standard VB Common Dialog control. It has couple additional features, uses APIs and therefore is WINDOWS PLATFORM INDEPENDENT. ActiveX VB6RunTime 68 kb
VPTable 01/14/02 Editable Microsoft Flex Grid Control. Requires Microsoft FlexGrid Control 6.0 (SP3). Not all properties of FlexGrid are exposed. To change (read) cell text use property TextRC(Row, Col, Text). ActiveX VB6RunTime, MSFLXGRD.OCX 40 kb
VPColor 01/14/02 Color selection control. Based on original  T De Lange codes. Allows to chose a color from selected palette (Palette property). Has 12 palettes. ActiveX VB6RunTime 123 kb
VPReport 01/14/02 DB reporting tool. Set Recordset property of the control, set TableName property (Caption), call .ShowData method. The control will display recordset data in the table. Use .TextRC property to read data in cells. TIP: use  SQL: "SELECT FIELD1 as TITLE1, ... " to change column titles in the table. ActiveX VB6RunTime, MSFLXGRD.OCX 37 kb
VPProgress 01/15/02 Progress bar. Use two methods .DisplayMessage(Text) to display a message and DisplayProgress(Max,Current,Message) to display a progress. To clean call .DisplayMessage(""). ActiveX VB6RunTime 40 kb
VPCapture 11/16/02 This small program captures the clipboard text, cleans the clipboard and puts (appends) the text into a textbox. Very useful if you combining text from different places of the document (codes) or from different sources.


VB6RunTime 164 kb
DBStructure 11/16/02 This very useful program connects to the DB (Access directly or any ODBC database), shows you all tables in the DB and a structure of the selected table. It makes properties and Save-Load procedures for the class representing this table. Note: the conversion from DB data types to VB data types is somewhat subjective and might be not fully correct. Sorry, I do not have time to fix problems. NOTE: the program uses DAO :(. Exe VB6RunTime, MSFLXGRD.OCX 96 kb

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Last Updated: February 4, 2002