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Home Music Visual Basic Resume Links Programs


Copyright (c) Vitaly (Vit) Pozharov, 1994, 2002

Version 5.01 JavaScript

(more sophisticated versions of all programs may be available in Visual Basic, Excel, etc.)

This program calculates correlation between Y and X values (maximum 255 values each). It checks four (in this demonstration version) types of relations:

Linear Exponential Logarithmic Power
linear.gif (959 bytes) exp.gif (970 bytes) log.gif (1007 bytes) pow.gif (954 bytes)

It also calculates the correlation coefficients (r) between the two data sets and standard deviation of the differences between actual and calculated y points (Syx)  for each type or relationship. After calculations you may compare and select a model which gives the best approximation of your data (select the type with the largest r and smallest Syx). Just remember that r>0.5 generally means existence of significant correlation between X and Y. If r<0.5 then your probably have two independent data sets (or may be not). To start, enter (or better paste) X and Y data below and press <Submit> button. Enjoy! If you find bugs (I'm sure you do) or have any suggestions, please drop me a note.

Please enter X values here (separated by any non-numeric symbol except "."):

Please enter Y values here (separated by any non-numeric symbol except "."):

Click <Submit> to see a results or reset to clear forms






linear.gif (959 bytes)

exp.gif (970 bytes)

log.gif (1007 bytes)

pow.gif (954 bytes)


Last Modified 08/15/02

(c) Vitaly (Vit) Pozharov, 1994, 1998, 2002